Wednesday, July 18, 2007

So You Want to Start a Business?

I haven't really read any books on starting a business. Actually, I have some books on the subjet, but I haven't read them yet (I find myself reading books on photography first). However, I think there are some characteristics an individual needs if he or she wants to start a business. These aren't anything new or revolutionary and you probably already know them, but here they are:
  1. Drive - once a goal is set, moving towards it constantly
  2. Persistance - not giving up despite setbacks, always working on improving
  3. A plan - setting goals, figuring out what needs to be done to get things done
Now there are lots of other things I could have put on this list. Maybe I should have. But for me these are the core values you need. I think they are all pretty self-explanatory, although I should point out that having a plan is not necessarily the same as being organized. There are plenty of small business owners who are disorganized, but to get their business started, they had to have a plan. I would submit if you want to increase the chance of your business surviving, it's best to be organized. But to start one up from scratch, you definitely need a plan as to how you'll get there.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on who you ask), I've tended to have these traits for most of my life. Can people who don't have these traits start a small business? I suppose it's possible, but I have never met that person. Perhaps you have. All the small business owners I've been in contact with definitely do possess these traits.

And while they sound like very positive characteristics at first, they can be negative too. From what I've read and what I've seen, small business owners who possess these traits can be a bit obsessive when it comes to their business. This can have a negative affect on friends and family if it's not controlled. I know I have to balance my need of wanting to take pictures, work on pictures, and grow my business with married life. There are always things that need to be done, but I still need to make my personal life a priority or else it will start to suffer. I'm sure many people have not done this and have suffered a lot because of it. This is something to keep in mind when starting any business.

If you already possess these characteristics and you're thinking about starting a business, photography or otherwise, you have what it takes to get it going. If you feel like you don't have these traits, you might either want to re-evaluate your goal, or partner up with someone who does possess them. Not all creative-types have the business personality, and there is nothing wrong with that, but somebody on the team should or you'll have a difficult time.

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