Well I've been hard at work on my images from my big trip to Europe. I think this is definitely my best work to date, and hopefully other people will feel the same.
Above are two examples of what I captured while overseas, both HDR. As I mentioned before, I brought my tripod on this trip so I could bracket my shots in sets of 3, each exposed 1 step above the next so I could combine them to create HDR images. When comparing my "regular" non-HDR shots to the HDR version, I'm finding I really love the texture and detail of the HDR version and prefer it. I hate to be a 1 trick HDR pony, but I have to go with what I feel is the best quality image. However, I do have some great non-HDR shots that I'm proud of and should have ready soon.
I'm also preparing to submit 3 images to this year's Orange County Fair. I've decided on a different strategy this time around. It seems to me there aren't as many photos in the division where you can submit highly modified images compared to the regular portrait and landscape divisions, so I'm thinking I will submit 3 HDR images into the one division in the hopes of winning something. I also think they are the 3 strongest images I took over the entire trip. I'll be putting them up on another post after I've submitted them.
Fortunately the due date was moved from May 22 to June 1st. For the first time photographers are allowed to submit their images to the fair by e-mail. The judges will review the images and let us know if we are accepted into the contest. With the date being moved out, it gave me time to get the images printed before I submit them. They all look fantastic on the screen, but it occurred to me they may not translate so well in print, and that's what really counts when it comes to judging. I was delighted to find out they look as amazing in print as they do on the screen, so I think I have a good chance of winning something.
My only concern is the competition is pretty strong at the fair, and sometimes the judges award images that I personally don't find terribly impressive. If I'm not on the same page as the judges, that may not bode well for me. Time will tell. I'm still proud of what I've done.